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VACANCY | Communications Consultant (China)

…research, and compile list of Chinese companies working in the photovoltaic industry relevant to Lighting Global; Developing lists of relevant business development opportunities to share with relevant audiences; Providing high-level…

WEBINAR | Shape the Future of QA

…discuss what data and services they need to be more successful in their work. Register today! Webinar 1: 11 March 2020]}**, 14:00-15:30 GMT Webinar 2: 19 March 2020]}**, 12:00-13:30 GMT

BLOG: Public Funding for Off-Grid Solar

…a combination of grid extension, mini-grids and off-grid solar. Geospatial mapping and least-cost planning tools have been used to determine the most efficient and cost-effective way to achieve universal access….

About 关于我们 (CN)

2010年,在全球范围内,大约有12亿人口过着没有电的生活。目前,这一数字已经降到7.89亿*。尽管已经取得重大进展,但根据现行和计划政策,预计到2030年,仍将有6.2亿人口无法接入电力,且这部分人口的85%集中在撒哈拉以南的非洲。 这些无法享受到现代能源服务的人口,大多数依靠煤油、蜡烛、手电筒或其他以化石燃料为能源的技术来提供照明。这些获取能源的传统方式价格昂贵,有害健康,高危且有污染性。它们使地球上最贫困的人群陷入能源贫困的生活,既限制了经济发展,又阻碍了人们追求教育、民生发展、健康和包括通讯,供水和交通在内的各项基本服务的步伐。 点亮全球是由世界银行集团发起的倡议,旨在为全球7.89亿无法接入电力的人口迅速接入离网太阳能。点亮全球项目由国际金融公司和世界银行共同管理,并得到能源部门管理援助计划 (ESMAP) 的支持,与制造商、分销商、政府和其他发展伙伴进行合作,共同建立和发展现代离网太阳能市场。我们的项目得到了能源部门管理援助计划 (ESMAP)、公私基础设施咨询机构 (The Public – Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility,简称 PPIAF)、荷兰外交部 (The Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs)、意大利环境、领土与海洋部 (The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land, and Sea,简称 IMELS),以及宜家基金会…

Our Partners

…related country programs in Asia and Africa are implemented in partnership with the following in alphabetical order: Africa Renewable Energy Access Program (AFREA), Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Energy Sector Management…