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Poster: Songa Mbele na Solar (kiosk)

This poster promoting solar lanterns to businesses was part of a consumer education campaign (meaning “Get Ahead With Solar”), which won an award for its work in Kenya….

Poster: Songa Mbele na Solar (family)

This poster promoting solar lanterns to families was part of a consumer education campaign (meaning “Get Ahead With Solar”), which won an award for its work in Kenya….

INDUSTRY NEWS | Why Off-Grid Energy Matters

Our friends at 60 Decibels recently launched an impact performance report: a customer-led view of the off-grid energy sector. This work spans countries and continents, and captures the voices of…

CALL FOR COMMENTS | Feedback on proposed changes to the draft quality standards

…in a discussion panel by Jit Bhattacharya of Fenix International and Stephan Lux of Fraunhofer ISE, followed by a Q&A with attendees. For call-in details, visit or contact….