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Electrifying Schools & Health Facilities

…now measure power supply, battery health, and energy use, and send real-time maintenance alerts to site staff, solar technicians, and ministries. Remote monitoring can also provide the backbone for a…

Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts

…other resources, the site contains a technical note on quality assurance that provides guidance for aid organizations and governments engaging in bulk procurement of lighting products.SAFE updates the website weekly….

Path to Profitability

…own copy of the the online class, please email us and we will share the program download link. A webinar (held on May 6th, 2021) walks you through the module…

Pro-Poor End-User Subsidies

…53.9 million quality verified off-grid solar products in low and middle-income countries between 2009 – 2021. But it isn’t enough. While hundreds of millions of lives have been energized by…