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…Global Quality Assurance, now maintains the complete list of quality-verified products. The VeraSol product database is the largest online repository of quality-verified solar energy kits and independently-tested fans, refrigerators, televisions,…

Pico-PV Quality Standards

Lighting Global maintains the Quality Standards, a set of off-grid lighting benchmarks that set a baseline level of quality, durability, and truth-in-advertising to protect consumers. These Standards apply to products…

Lighting Global Quality Standards Published in Chinese

This week, Lighting Global signed a new agreement with the Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) and the Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection (SMQ) to enhance the quality of solar…


…Effectively communicate key product quality and performance information to buyers. Lighting Global has been a critical force in facilitating and promoting quality solar lanterns and home systems since our industry’s…