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Consumer Preferences for Off-Grid Lighting Products

…on parameters such as brightness and daily hours of use. This, in turn, will help manufacturers make product design decisions and help distribution companies select which products they should carry….

d.light Introduces Pay-As-You-Go Product

d.light design has introduced a new plug-and-play solar home lighting system which offers two lamps and a portable lantern. The product can charge mobile phones. The D20, which has met…

How We Work

…to design effective consumer education campaigns. Capacity Building The off-grid lighting market has been typified by remarkable innovation and novelty, and largely driven by social entrepreneurs. Embedded into World Bank…

Minor updates to the Quality Standards

…aspects, such as light output and run time, must deviate no more than 15% from advertised ratings (though it is always acceptable if actual performance is better than advertised). Provided…

IFC/World Bank Set Global Standard for Clean Off-Grid Lighting

…lighting products, following its incorporation into an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) technical specification on 3 April, 2013. Off-grid lighting products, many of which are solar-powered, are typically designed for rural…

Access to Finance

design a fund providing a foreign exchange credit line that can be accessed by the private sector to import qualifying products, including pico-PV lanterns and SHS meeting our Standards. Microfinance…