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Normes de qualité pico-PV (Pico-PV Quality Standards)

…téléchargées ci-dessous. La version actuelle est également disponible en français et est fournie à titre d’information uniquement. En cas de divergence, la version originale en anglais, disponible sur, prévaudra….

QA | IEC Adopts Standards for Standalone Solar Energy Kits

English | Chinese Later this year, the International Electrotechnical Commission, a leading international standards organization, will for the first time publish quality standards for standalone solar energy kits. This development…

BLOG: Public Funding for Off-Grid Solar

…connection, take years to complete, and require professional installation. Recent Multi-Tier Framework (MTF) surveys suggest off-grid solutions also help to address equity issues, since they mostly benefit lower income consumers,…

Opportunites (CN)

…life of energy poverty, which constrains economic development and impedes access to education, livelihood development, health, and basic services including communications, water, and transport. Lighting Global is the World Bank…