
The Market Opportunity for Productive Use Leveraging Solar Energy (PULSE) in Uganda

26 October 2022 |

This report provides an overview of the market for productive use leveraging solar energy (PULSE) in Uganda. The report seeks to inform the strategy of industry, government, and development partners ...Read More

Gender Survey

20 October 2022 |

In a recent survey of women working in the OGS sector, GOGLA and the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global (with support from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program – ESMAP) ...Read More

Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: State of the Sector (Part 1)

07 October 2022 |

The 2022 Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report, which is the sixth edition in the series, is produced by Lighting Global/ESMAP, IFC, the Efficiency for Access Coalition, GOGLA, and Open Capital ...Read More

Designing Public Funding Mechanisms in the Off-Grid Solar Sector

This report provided guidance to governments and their development partners on how public funding can be used to provide energy access to households through off-grid solar (OGS) solutions, such as ...Read More


24 September 2021 |

Lighting Global has released the 3rd iteration and the 2021 version of the Pay-As-You-Go Market Attractiveness Index (PAYGo MAI) for 24 countries across Sub Saharan Africa and Asia. This version ...Read More

Solar Irrigation System End-User Subsidy Reference Guidelines

24 September 2021 |

This publication aims to arm policymakers and other stakeholders with a framework to help them consider the design of an appropriate end-user subsidy for solar irrigation. IFC and Dalberg used ...Read More

Technical Guide: PAYGo PERFORM Financial, Operational, and Portfolio Quality KPIs for the PAYGo solar industry

Over the last decade, pioneering off-grid solar companies have demonstrated the potential of the pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) business model to expand access to energy and financial services among low-income households. The ...Read More

H2 2020 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

Every six months, Lighting Global and GOGLA publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, a market intelligence series on sales and impact of off-grid solar lighting products, sold by GOGLA ...Read More

H1 2020 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

15 October 2020 | ,

Every six months, Lighting Global and GOGLA  publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, a market intelligence series on sales and impact of off-grid solar lighting products, sold by GOGLA ...Read More

Creating Energy Choices for Refugees

17 July 2020 |

Lighting Global has contributed to a new Shell Corporation publication which looks at energy choices for displaced people. The report estimates that in 2018, refugees and host communities spent roughly $344 million on power (excluding cooking). Additionally, the report outlines how humanitarian agencies, governments and the private sector can collaborate to improve refugee and host community access to energy clean, reliable energy.

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