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Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts

…website set up by the SAFE coalition: It contains comprehensive information on the efforts of humanitarian and disaster relief organizations in Nepal that are responding to the energy needs…

Off-Grid Solar Lighting Up Ethiopia

…warranties are honored completely and consistently by the private solar suppliers. The pilot warranty program will also be used to collect data for carbon monitoring through 2024 that will ultimately

BLOG: Public Funding for Off-Grid Solar

…reduce end-user prices,are needed to reach the poorest customers or most remote areas that cannot be reached through more commercial approaches. Whilst likely to be highly visible, these largely untested…

Solar Home System Kit Quality Standards

…website: View this Change Log to see what changed when in each set of quality standards. Current and previous versions of the Quality Standards may be downloaded below. A…

VIDEO: Sunshine Lights Up Papua New Guinea’s Future

…products in rural Papua New Guinea. With 300 days of sunshine in many parts of the country, there is great potential to harness solar power for businesses and households.…

Pico-PV Quality Standards

Lighting Global maintains the Quality Standards, a set of off-grid lighting benchmarks that set a baseline level of quality, durability, and truth-in-advertising to protect consumers. These Standards apply to products…