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IEC adopts Lighting Global Quality Standards

…Lighting Global, the number of households without electricity has been reduced by over 400 million. Off-grid renewable energy solutions have become a critical component in helping homes access electricity and…

Quality Assurance Update: June 2018

…staff who understand the quality standards may not be relaying the consumer-facing information requirements to their marketing departments. To help remedy the situation, we are looking into producing and disseminating…


…performance indicators (KPIs) that promote transparency and help companies to benchmark and improve their performance. The PAYGo Performance, Reporting and Measurement (PERFORM) KPIs also allow the industry to present a…

De-risking Humanitarian Investments

…With this decision, Mercy Corps joins the many institutions around the world that rely on Lighting Global’s quality verification process to help them identify products that will meet customers’ expectations….

Revised Standards for Pico-PV Products

…a draft of the revised pico-PV standards to help manufacturers prepare for compliance. Note that additional minor changes may be included in the final version. Once the standards are final,…

Testing Process

…off-grid lighting systems are stand-alone rechargeable electric lighting appliances and kits that can be installed by a typical user without having to seek help from an electrical technician. Click on…