Webinar Slides | The Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2020 – Key Findings for Manufacturers

MTR2020 Webinar Slides

Over the past decade, the IFC Lighting Global, ESMAP & GOGLA Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report has been the report of record for the off-grid solar industry. It is the biennial anchor of the Lighting Global, ESMAP & GOGLA franchise of market data and trends reports, which is the go-to source of sector information for companies, investors, industry members, policy-makers, and other stakeholders in the sector.

Slides from The Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2020 – Key Findings for Manufacturers webinar hosted on May 15th 2020 by Open Capital Advisors, the co-authors of the 2020 report, discussing key findings from the report and how they apply to off-grid solar manufacturers. The webinar also included information on key trends amongst consumers, technology and regulations, the size of the market opportunity and how the current landscape of partners is changing. 

在过去十年里,国际金融公司点亮全球项目、世界银行能源部门管理援助计划(ESMAP)与全球离网太阳能协会(GOGLA)发布的《离网太阳能趋势报告》已经是全球离网太阳能产业的发展记录报告,这是点亮全球、ESMAP 与 GOGLA 市场数据和趋势报告的两年一次的主播,这是公司、投资者、行业成员、政策制定者及其他行业相关者寻求行业信息的来源。
该份演示文件是《2020年全球离网太阳能市场趋势报告》 – 制造商该挖掘的要点有哪些?网络研讨会的演讲演示文件。本次网络研讨会于2020年5月15日举行,由2020报告的合著者开放资本咨询公司(Open Capital Advisors,简称 OCA)主持,聚焦讨论报告中的主要发现及其如何适用于离网太阳能制造商,涉及消费者及技术与法规中的主要趋势、市场机会规模、合作伙伴的目前状况正在发生什么变化等。


Resource Type: Market Analysis & Trends

Country: Global

Language: English