Lighting Global Associate Services Offering

The Lighting Global program offers product quality testing services to manufacturers and distributors of off-grid lighting products and appliances. After testing a product, companies can opt in to become “Associates” in order to access a wide range of business and market development services offered by Lighting Global, and its regional affiliate programs, Lighting Africa and Lighting Asia.
An Associate is a manufacturer or a distributor committed to bringing to market high quality, affordable solar lighting products for families without access to grid electricity. Associates work hand-in-hand with Lighting Global and its regional affiliate programs, Lighting Africa and Lighting Asia, to develop markets for clean lighting products, contributing towards making sustainable energy a reality for all by 2030.
Eligibility Criteria for Associates

  1. The company must produce/manufacture and/or distribute at least one product that meets the Lighting Global Quality Standards.
  2. The company, including the directors and shareholders must undergo and satisfy IFC’s Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) evaluation.

Upon successful completion of the IDD, the company will enter into a legal agreement with IFC. The agreement documents global services, which are provided free of charge, and fee-based country specific business development services to be provided through the Lighting Africa and Lighting Asia programs.

Resource Type: Quality Assurance

Country: Global

Language: English