
All Lighting Global Quality Verified products are now listed on VeraSol’s product database. 


VeraSol, an evolution of Lighting Global Quality Assurance, now maintains the complete list of quality-verified products. The VeraSol product database is the largest online repository of quality-verified solar energy kits and independently-tested fans, refrigerators, televisions, and solar water pumps. Users may now use this database to confirm whether a solar energy kit meets the Lighting Global Quality Standards or the quality standards in IEC TS 62257-9-8.


What is VeraSol and why have the products moved?


VeraSol was launched by Lighting Global, CLASP, and the Schatz Energy Research Center in February 2020 and is the leading independent quality assurance program for distributed solar solutions, appliances and equipment. The program represents an evolution and continuation of more than a decade of off-grid solar sector quality assurance activities carried out through Lighting Global.


VeraSol now carries out all functions of Lighting Global Quality Assurance, including maintenance of the products page. Under this new name and brand, VeraSol can better respond to the sector’s evolving quality assurance needs for off-grid appliances and productive use equipment and engage a more diverse group of market actors.


VeraSol is managed by CLASP and the Schatz Energy Research Center. Foundational support is provided by the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global program, IKEA Foundation, the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and others. Learn more about VeraSol.