PRESS RELEASE | 2020 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report

Global Off-Grid Solar Industry Grows into a $1.75 billion Annual Market, New Report Shows

NAIROBI, Feb. 18, 2020 – The off-grid solar industry has grown into a $1.75 billion annual market, providing lighting and other energy services to 420 million users and remains on a solid growth curve, a new World Bank Group and GOGLA report shows.
The 2020 Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report finds that the industry has made tremendous strides in the past decade. Since 2017, revenues from the off-grid solar industry continue to rapidly grow, increasing by 30 percent annually. To date, more than 180 million off-grid solar units have been sold worldwide and the sector saw $1.5 billion in investments since 2012.
With 840 million people still lacking access to electricity, the growth of the off-grid solar industry is critical to meeting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG7) for universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030.
“The off-grid solar industry is instrumental for achieving universal electricity access,” said Riccardo Puliti, Global Director, Energy and Extractive Industries and Regional Director, Infrastructure, Africa, at the World Bank. “We are scaling up our support to client countries by helping them leverage this potential through innovative and financially sustainable solutions,” he added.
According to the report, the sector would need an additional boost of up to $11 billion in financing. More specifically, the sector would need to grow at an accelerated rate of 13 percent, with up to $7.7 billion in external investment to companies and up to $3.4 billion of public funding to bridge the affordability gap.
“Only by crowding in commercial finance at scale can we reach the target of achieving universal access by 2030,” said Paulo de Bolle, Sr Director, Global Financial Institutions Group for IFC. “We are eager to work with our local bank partners in the more mature off-grid markets where commercial debt can drive the next stage of market growth.”
Trends demonstrate that companies are moving into new geographies and underserved markets as established markets become more saturated. These companies are also shifting towards larger, higher-margin solar home system sales in response to growing consumer demand for appliances and back-up systems.
“This report is another confirmation of the significant impact off-grid solar has already achieved, and the massive opportunity that remains going forward,” said Koen Peters, Executive Director of GOGLA. “The Market Trends Report shares details on where we stand, and where we should be heading next.”
The report summary of the biennial flagship report, which is published by the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global Program and the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA), was released in Nairobi at the Global Off-Grid Solar Forum and Expo where President Uhuru Kenyatta welcomed more than 1200 participants today. The full report will be available in March, 2020.



About the Market Trends Report
The Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is a biennial flagship report, published by the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global Program in cooperation with GOGLA and support from the Energy Sector Management Assistant Program (ESMAP). The Report is an in-depth analysis of current market dynamics and projections for the coming five years, as well as  a blueprint for how actors in this market can compete in a swiftly evolving industry ecosystem. The fifth in a series of biennial flagship publications for the global off-grid solar sector, the report set the tone for Nairobi meeting  by highlighting key industry trends, advances in technology, finance, policy, and social impacts. 
About Lighting Global
Lighting Global is the World Bank Group’s initiative to rapidly increase access to off-grid solar energy for the 840 million people living without electricity world-wide. Lighting Global – managed by IFC and the World Bank – works with manufacturers, distributors, governments, and other development partners to build and grow the modern off-grid solar energy market. Our programs are funded with support from ESMAP, The Public – Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), The Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land, and Sea (IMELS), and the IKEA Foundation.
GOGLA is the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry. Established in 2012, GOGLA now represents over 170 members as a neutral, independent, not-for-profit industry association. Its mission is to help its members build sustainable markets, delivering quality, affordable products and services to as many households, businesses and communities as possible across the developing world. The products and solutions that GOGLA members sell transform lives. They improve health and education, create jobs and income opportunities and help consumers save money. To find out more, go to

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In Nairobi:
Grace Wangui Thuo
+254 722 667505
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2020年2月18日,肯尼亚内罗毕讯 – 世界银行集团(World Bank Group)与全球离网太阳能协会 (GOGLA) 的一份新报告指出:离网太阳能产业已经成长为年价值17.5亿美元的市场,为4.2亿用户提供照明和能源服务,并将保持坚实的增长曲线。
“离网太阳能产业有助于实现普遍用电”,世界银行能源与采掘业全球总监、基础设施非洲区域总监里卡多·普利蒂说(Riccardo Puliti)。“我们正在加大对客户国家的支持力度,帮助他们通过创新和财政上可持续的解决方案利用这一潜力”,他补充到。
国际金融公司全球金融机构局高级主管保罗德博勒(Paulo de Bolle)表示:“只有规模化挤占商业金融,我们才能实现到2030年实现普及的目标”,“我们渴望在更成熟的离网市场与当地银行合作,在这些市场通过商业债务推动下一阶段的市场增长。”
“这份报告再次证实了离网太阳能已经取得的重大影响力,以及未来仍将面临的巨大机遇”, GOGLA执行董事 Koen Peters 表示,“市场趋势报告分享了我们的立场和下一步的发展方向。”


点亮全球项目由世界银行集团倡议,旨在快速增加全球8.4亿无电人口获得离网太阳能,由国际金融公司(IFC)和世界银行(World Bank)共同管理,与制造商、分销商、政府和其他发展伙伴合作一道,建立和发展现代离网太阳能市场。我们的项目得到了ESMAP(世界银行能源部分管理援助计划)、公私基础设施咨询机构(PPIAF)、荷兰外交部、意大利环境与土地及海洋部(IMELS)以及宜家基金会的支持。欲了解更多信息,请访问

Rwaida Gharib
+1 (202) 573-7386
Grace Wangui Thuo
+254 722 667505