We are hiring program managers (Pakistan / Afghanistan and Myanmar/Papua New Guinea)

  1. 1. Program Manager Lighting Pakistan / Afghanistan

IFC Middle East and North Africa is seeking a Program Manager (PM) to oversee and manage the Lighting Pakistan / Afghanistan Program. The position may be based in either Karachi or Islamabad, Pakistan. The Program Manager will be in charge of leading the implementation of Lighting Pakistan / Afghanistan, including designing the specific services provided by the program, managing program implementation, working with clients at the company, sector, and policy levels, as well as meeting all monitoring and reporting requirements for the program. This program is one of a portfolio of country programs under the Lighting Global umbrella. For more information and to apply, please follow this link: http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/Careers_Ext_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_Site/IFC%20Careers/Career%20Opportunities/CareerOpportunityPlaceHolder?JobReqNo=160355

  1. 2. Program Manager Lighting Myanmar and Papua New Guinea

IFC East Asia Pacific is seeking a Program Manager (PM) to oversee and manage the Lighting Myanmar and Lighting PNG/ Digicel Solar Programs. The position will be based in Yangon, Myanmar. The Program Manager will be in charge of leading the implementation ofLighting Myanmar and PNG programs. For Lighting Myanmar, the focus will include designing the specific services provided by the program to managing its implementation with clients at the company, sector and policy levels according to the approved Implementation Plan as well as all monitoring and reporting requirements for the program. For Lighting PNG, the focus will be to manage the implementation of the existing program with a potential of supporting and designing the strategy of a PAYGO (Pay as you go) interventions.
For more information and to apply, please follow this link: http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/Careers_Ext_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_Site/IFC%20Careers/Career%20Opportunities/CareerOpportunityPlaceHolder?JobReqNo=160356