Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report (January – June 2018)

Every six months, Lighting Global and GOGLA  publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report. The market intelligence series is based on sales data collected from GOGLA members and Lighting Global associates. The global market share of these affiliates is around 30% for pico products (<11 Wp) and 60-80% for larger systems.

January – June 2018 Key Findings:

  • During the first half of 2018, 3.7 million off-grid solar products were sold globally by participating companies. That’s a 4% increase compared to the same time a year ago, representing a modest growth for the sector.
  • Consumers increasingly purchase larger systems. The sales volume of solar home systems with a capacity of 11 watt peak or higher has steadily increased in each reporting round – in the first half of 2018, this number reached more than 395,000 systems.
  • Cash products sold from January to June 2018 had a value of $108 million, while pay-as-you-go products reached a value of $110 million.
  • The new report also demonstrates the growing impact of off-grid solar, building on the recently revised GOGLA Impact Metrics.


Click here to download the full report. 
A webinar presenting key findings is available here. The H1 2018 includes sales and impact data from January to June 2018Participating companies can access the online data platform at  To download previous sales and impact data reports: H2 2017 | H1 2017 | H2 2016 | H1 2016 | H2 2015.