Accelerated Verification Method Policy

Adopted Policy for Pilot Implementation

Lighting Global has developed a new, faster framework for product quality verification. This Accelerated Verification Method (AVM) is an optional alternative quality verification pathway that is faster than the standard Quality Test Method (QTM) Testing pathway. Verification of products through the AVM includes three elements:
1) Eligibility based on the manufacturer’s strong history of success with the Lighting Global Quality Assurance (QA) program,
2) Expedited verification entry testing, and
3) Strong incentives for compliance through Market Check Tests and penalties for poor check test results
We expect the proposed AVM to cut the QA verification time from the status quo of approximately four months to approximately eight to ten weeks. Time savings come from (i) reducing the number of samples required for testing, (ii) shortening the period for lumen maintenance testing, and (iii) eliminating third-party sampling of the units used in verification entry testing.

Resource Type: Quality Assurance

Country: Global

Language: English